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Maxillofacial Surgery

Welcome to the Maxillofacial Surgery Department at Grace Hospital
Experience exceptional care and transformative results at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of Grace Hospital. Our team of skilled specialists is dedicated to restoring the function and aesthetics of your facial structures. With a range of advanced treatments, we’re here to help you regain confidence and quality of life.
Conditions Trеatеd
  • Jaw Misalignments: Correct bite issues, speech difficulties, and facial imbalances caused by jaw misalignments.
  • Facial Injuries: Repair fractures and injuries to the facial bones, restoring both appearance and function.
  • Missing Teeth: Dental implants replace missing teeth, providing a natural-looking and functional solution.
  • Congenital Deformities: Expert care for conditions like cleft lip and palate, ensuring proper development and function.
Trеatmеnt Offеrеd
  • Orthognathic Surgery: Correct jaw misalignments that affect bite, speech, and appearance, enhancing both function and aesthetics.
  • Facial Trauma Reconstruction: Repair facial injuries caused by accidents or trauma, restoring normal appearance and function.
  • Dental Implant Surgery: Replace missing teeth with precision implants, restoring your smile’s beauty and functionality.
  • Cosmetic Facial Procedures: Enhance your facial features with procedures like chin or cheek augmentation, for a more balanced appearance.
  • Cleft Lip and Palate Repair: Expert treatment for congenital conditions, ensuring proper function and appearance.
At Grace Hospital’s Maxillofacial Surgery Department, we recognize the significance of facial structures in your life. Our team is dedicated to delivering comprehensive care, ensuring both functional restoration and enhanced aesthetics. Let us be your partner in achieving a brighter future, where confidence and well-being shine.

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Skilled Specialists

Our experienced maxillofacial surgeons have a proven track record in complex facial surgeries.
Why Choosе Us

Choosing Gracе Hospital’s Maxillofacial Surgery Dеpartmеnt mеans choosing еxcеllеncе in pain managеmеnt and procеdural support. Hеrе’s why patiеnts trust us

Pеrsonalizеd Carе

We understand that each patient is unique, and we tailor treatments to your specific needs.

Cutting-Edgе Tеchniquеs

We employ the latest surgical techniques and technology for optimal outcomes.

Comprehensive Approach

From diagnosis to post-surgery care, we guide you through every step of your journey.

Patient-Centric Environment

Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities, and we provide a supportive atmosphere.